Steve and Michelle, 2012

Steve King, Iowa and Michele Bachmann, Minnesota are two of the rising stars of the right wing of the Republican Party.

The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, so why not support them as the go to team in 2012.

We'll all be gone before they get into office.

Other Midwest Loons will be featured as they act like "Some Wild and Crazy Guys".

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Steve, Steve, Steve

You were primed to go on to bigger and better things. Like maybe a run for president. But no, you had to do what a lot of GOPer's have been doing lately; screw up.

There are just some things that you don't say in public, let alone on the House floor!

Not only did you hurt your own image, the people in Colorado who were hoping that you could help them are running away from you also.

Why in the world would you go on the convicted felon's radio program in the first place?

What are you going to do next to hurt your chances of having Michele as your running mate.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010


The Minnesota Republican missed the due date for a $3,740 tax on her 5,200-square-foot home on the 18th hole of Stoneridge Golf Course*. For the missed payment, she was penalized by the state of Minnesota a scant $74.90.

*Stoneridge is a pubic course located in Stillwater, Mn. Public makes one think that it's available to anyone. But, at $79 for 18 holes, there aren't very many people that can afford to golf there more than once or twice a year. But, that's probably the way the members want it. High prices help keep the riff-raff out.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Loon: The Official Official of Minnesota

State Rep. Tom Emmer is prepared to become the Minnesota Republican candidate for governor to replace Tim Pawlenty. He is one of the authors of HF 3738, an interesting state constitutional amendment which allow federal laws to operate in Minnesota only if super-majorities of the state legislature agree with them.

I used to think that Minnesota was home to intelligent people.

“glad and relieved”

Every body's favorite loon from Iowa is just tickled pink that Arizona has the backbone to stand up to those nasty immigrants. He would probably like Iowa to pass one also.

The only question I have is who is going to work in the packing plants in Steve's congressional district?

Go West Michele

Michele decided that Washington DC and Minnesota don't really have any need for her at the present so she's headed to the West Coast.

For any of you So-Cal folks, here's a chance to see one of "America's Leading Congresswomen & Experts' on How To Take Back America."

Glad I don't live on the coast.....any coast at the moment.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is going to be bloody fun! Get ready for the ride.